Duplicate attribute error in .xml file

Forum sobre a ferramenta Oracle JDeveloper, ADF, OAF, etc. (Não é destinado ao aprendeziado da Linguagem Java em geral)
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I have a little problem that is working during development.
I needed to change the name of some Entity (eg request for tes.solicitacao) and now the following is happening:
1.All time I create a viewlink, or add an attribute, Or anything that involves this entity, all your Foreign Keys are duplicated in the requesting file.xml, then I always need to edit the file and delete all the duplications. Do you have a way to avoid these doubles?
2. Vicktor you replied in some forum post that in your CBT has created a simple usual login authentication procedure. Would you give it to make this code available?
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1- This part of Rename do JDEV does not work. It has variations bugs. A Council and erase all dependencies and and redo all again can paracer boring but and the best to do because the data of this rename that you did are incisculable
2- CPM relation to my authentication was very rude ... I just took the screen values ??and did select in the bank if the data were validated I put the user in the session .. very basic ... what would be your doubt?

stays in peace
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Ok Victor.
I imagined that I had to redo the dependencies. Which are many. Nothing a weekend does not solve.
As for the login screen, I even tried to do a non-based entity, with Transient fields (User, password) with an OK button, which would call a method to validate on the bank. But I paused in two stones:
1. In the inclusion of the method in the Pagedefinition, this fields were not available (would it be transient?)
2. Then I can not imagine how to put the user result in Session. (Beginner thing). VO parameters are cared in my appModuleImpl with this information loaded in Session. (All this code already written only missing this login screen). Anyway, so simple login screen is being my Achilles heel. Can you help?
large Abrco
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Let's go ...

I did not understand very well the 1 ... you say that when you include a methodaction in the paidedef the transient fields do not appear ... but should not .. should appear your parameters qo method of am receives .. only this .. Transient fields should appear as a normal field that had its origin of one and but not in methodaction

2- through your context You will have a GetExternalContext () so you can give a GetSession () then and just put OBJ in the session.

Anything we are there
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