OAF-How to open a pop-up already run a Ctrl + P (Print)

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Júnio Vitor de Paula

Personal, good morning ...

I am developing a project in OAF from which I have some reports!

The question is: [/ u]

Click on the "Print Report" link is displayed a pop-up with the information for printing , so I want to run the Ctrl + P command (Windows command for printing).

What to do? Can someone help me?

I await! [/ I] [/b]
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How are you currently printing? Qu8al the code you have on your printing button ??

take a look at this link here OH http://thespoke.net/blogs/dennes/archiv ... 78954.aspx
Rank: Programador Júnior
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Júnio Vitor de Paula

victorhugomuniz, Thanks for the force!

At the moment to print we use the Ctrl + P command to open the telinha to set up. For by clicking Print, the button only the pop-up. What I want is to basically eliminate the work of the user to have to give this shortcut command! In this way the operation would work as follows:

On a page I have a list of reports, from which I can choose to print or view. If I choose Direct Print, clicking on the button, you have to open the pop-up and consequently the telinha to set up.
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