I have a problem here.
In summary I have a screen that shows the data of a register with 2 fields that are blob (image)
when I enter the first time shows correctly. But the browser freezes these images. If I enter another record it continues to showing the same images. I have to give a F5 so it shows the current registry image correctly.
The field is an image item.
I tried to resolve as follows
on the previous screen I put the following command
String Reload = String.valueOf(pageContext.getSessionValue("ReloadPage"));
// pageContext.putSessionValue("ReloadNUmber",1);
if (Reload.equals("Y"))
// pageContext.forwardImmediatelyToCurrentPage(null,true,null);
// pageContext.forwardImmediatelyToForm(null);
Debugue and it usually enters ... but does not update the page
I tested the 3 lines that are in the code and nothing.
When I put only the redirect without test it does not open the page (it is in loop in Redirect)
Does anyone have any idea ???
VLW staff.