
Forum sobre a ferramenta Oracle JDeveloper, ADF, OAF, etc. (Não é destinado ao aprendeziado da Linguagem Java em geral)
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Rank: Programador Pleno
Rank: Programador Pleno
Posts: 44
Joined: Wed, 14 Mar 2012 2:37 pm

Good morning,
I have the following problem, I have 2 fields of a one in which there are a LOV in them. When I fill these fields with the values ??of the Lovs I could not edit them with any type of data, except with the existing values ??within LOV. Anyone have any idea how to do this?!
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Location: Fortaleza - CE

Daniel N.N.

I do not think I understand your problem well.
Are you using MessageLovInput ????
When you use it, and you do the correct mapping, you can not insert other values ??that are not from LOV in it.
Rank: Programador Pleno
Rank: Programador Pleno
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Yes, use messageLovInput ..
I was doing some tests here and I realized the following ...
When I choose the value of LOV, the value is filled in the return attribute that I specified, however, when I type anything in this same attribute and send save, go to the bank the value that I modified in the attribute and this can not happen, would have to have some kind of validation to not let anything.
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Location: Fortaleza - CE

Daniel N.N.


I also checked the problem here.
When goes to another field after typing the value that does not contain in Lov, the LOV screen appears. But if you have saved, it saves the value you have on the screen.

I tested here some attributes of both the item and Mapping but without success.

I think you will have to make the validation in hand. Create methods for validating fields and values ??before saving.

If you find out any other solution, let us know.
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Daniel N.N.


Dude, if you create another mapping, on that same item for an item formValue (which can be even instance and attribute), it does the validation.
"Select a valid value."
Rank: Programador Pleno
Rank: Programador Pleno
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Dude validated perfectly but I have another problem.
Suppose my VO feed a table of type advancedTable and this advanced table has a 6 filled lines and I put this validation on a specific column of this advancedTable when validation applies, This msg appears for all the lines of that table, and I do not want this, I only want the line that is active ... Would you like to do this?!
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Joined: Mon, 03 Sep 2007 3:26 pm
Location: Fortaleza - CE

Daniel N.N.

Dude, that's not knowing how it solves no.
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