Trigger to enter data from two tables in just one.

Dúvidas, dicas e truques de PL/SQL. Aqui também vão assuntos relacionados a pacotes, triggers, funções, Java-Stored Procedures, etc
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I have two tables related by an FK.
I need that when entered data in these tables, a trigger is triggered that you take the data of these two tables and insert in only another third table.
Can anyone give help?
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Petter, some doubts Brother:

1) Will you do some logging scheme?
2) Simultaneously, or can they be two triggers, one on each table?

Whatever it sends there.
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I will not require logging, the INSERT in the third table will have to be simultaneous.
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Fabricio M. Silva
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Hello colleague,

Is it possible to create a view of these two tables?

If yes, you could create a trigger instead of in the view and make the inserts you need.

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Guys vlw by force but I managed to do everything on top of a single trigger without having to create a view.
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O mundo gira muito!!

Speak Pyro,
Good morning,

Friend, it provides the solution to the glufke galera if possible, so the circular information ... Exchange the table name by tab_a and column, by col_a ... by the privacy issue of your company !!

Anything posts here in the forum!

abs hahu
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Follow how the final trigger was:

Select all

create or replace trigger insert 
  after insert on tab_a  
  for each row 
  bb      number(6); 
  b       number(5); 
  select cod_b, cod_bb  
         into b,  
  from tab_b 
  where bbb = :new.b1; 
  insert into tab_c(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) 
         values(:new.b2, :new.b3, :new.b4, bb, b);      
end insert; 
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