create or replace trigger inativar
after update on tab_servico
for each row
if inserting or updating then
if new.in_servico_inibido = 1 then
new.in_ativo := 0
end if
end if;
end inativo;
Help in Trigger
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Friends can someone help with this trigger here ???? This is invalidated in the compilation
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Look at the error
Compilation Errors for Trigger to inactivate
Compilation Errors for Trigger to inactivate
Error: PLS-00103: Encontrado o símbolo "END" quando um dos seguintes símbolos era esperado:* & = - + ; < / > at in is mod remainder not rem
<um expoente (**)> <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like LIKE2_
LIKE4_ LIKEC_ between || multiset member SUBMULTISET_ O símbolo ";" foi substituído por "END" para continuar.
Line: 8
Text: end if;
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The New AS Reference New and Old Old is correct?
The New AS Reference New and Old Old is correct?
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Alan Juliano Metzger
Programador Oracle
Inside System Informática
Alan Juliano Metzger
Programador Oracle
Inside System Informática
I think I found the problem missing the two points in front of the new and old.
And another thing try to take the point and comma from the end or leave only end but I think the problem is the two points.
if :new.in_servico_inibido = 1 then
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create or replace trigger inativar
after update on tab_servico
for each row
if inserting or updating then
if:new.in_servico_inibido = 1 then
new.in_ativo := 0
end if
("Compilation errors for TRIGGER ACQUA_USER.INATIVAR Error: PLS-00103: Encontrado o símbolo "END" quando um dos seguintes símbolos era esperado:* & = - + ; < / > at in is mod remainder not rem
(**)> <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like LIKE2_ LIKE4_ LIKEC_ between || multiset member SUBMULTISET_Line: 8 Text: end if")
end if
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- Location: rio de janeiro
Srs was like this:
SRS I am sending the trigger script that makes control of the fields inhibited and active:
SRS I am sending the trigger script that makes control of the fields inhibited and active:
create or replace trigger inativar
after update on tab_servico
for each row
if inserting or updating then
if:new.in_servico_inibido = 1 then
update tab_servico set in_ativo = 0 ;
end if;
end if;
end ;
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