Good evening to all,
I am starting in the forum, in PL / SQL and Oracle database administration. I have the following situation:
I need to copy data from some tables to an instance to other tables from another instance.
First I created a DB LINK (BLK_PROD_BKP) to connect with the other instance, so far so good. Attached Normal, I tested a SELECT:
Select all
and everything worked, the problem is that when I will insert it on the other base, I have a problem with Table Space. So I can not do the following command:
Select all
An option, I think, would do for parts, since I can not change the Table Space, doing the insertion by groups, for example: of 500 In 500 records and making a commit every time you reach this number. The problem is how to do it ??? Can someone help me by creating an example in an PL block, doing select on a base and inserted into another ??? Because the solution I elaborated, only works for a number that does not exceed Table Space. Am I right ???
Thanks for help !!!