Good morning masters ...
I have a question ...: Roll: I'm trying to locate an enter in a text field, but I tried in many ways and it did not work, someone would tell me how I can be doing this, please?
Fábio leak
Check if there ENTER on a string
Uses the dump () function that shows all the text chr.
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Lucas de Souza
OCA Developer
Analista de sistemas
OCA Developer
Analista de sistemas
I have this Comandim here chi takes the line breaks and travernform in space ...
I do not know if this is what you need, more for me This helped a lot = D
vv_string := translate(vv_string,chr(10)|||chr(13),' ');
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Sua vida É o que você É!!!!
Guys thank you very much for the tips. Mr. Tomas I was doing the Select searching for the CHR (10) but in the wrong way ... But with this doubt there were these other tips that are already being used here in the sector ... this forum is a spectacle ... brigaduuuuuuuuuuu hugs
Dear Lucas,
I ended up putting a new topic unduly "generate text-free text file (UTL_File)", and I know that maybe this topic could help. Anyway I tried to use your solution without success. Could you check where I'm wrong?
Omar Teles
I ended up putting a new topic unduly "generate text-free text file (UTL_File)", and I know that maybe this topic could help. Anyway I tried to use your solution without success. Could you check where I'm wrong?
Omar Teles
- aarao.primo
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