Debug with PL / SQL Developer

Dúvidas, dicas e truques de PL/SQL. Aqui também vão assuntos relacionados a pacotes, triggers, funções, Java-Stored Procedures, etc
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Tudo posso, nAquel que me fortalece
Filipenses 4:13

I use PL / SQL Developer in the company where I work. It happens, that I would like to know some of the Debug things from this application. In fact I am a programmer, and in this case use Delphi. There is an entity that has some triggers. These triggers call some procedures and functions inside some packages. So far so good. So I need to give an update on a table and it starts calling the triggers and etc ... When I give the step in, to go picking up line the line, sometimes I put the mouse on top of a variable and I can not read its value. Sometimes it comes: Debug session busy Sometimes No debug value usually when I put the mouse over some variable of my trigger, like this:

Select all

VOLD Tabela%rowtype; 
VNEW tabela%rowtype;
I made these two arrays. When I read or the Old value or the new, comes the message from "Debug Session Busy".
I do this:

Select all

VOLD.Nome := :OLD.Nome; 
If I put the mouse on top of the name comes the message. How do I read values ??that are entering that moment in a trigger or in a procedure that does not give me these messages? Of course, if this is possible.
That was only one example of the I'm going through here.
Rank: Analista Pleno
Rank: Analista Pleno
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Tudo posso, nAquel que me fortalece
Filipenses 4:13

Just a correction: It's not "no Debug Value" but yes "in debug information" and sometimes "not to variable". That's all right now.
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Location: Canoas RS

Oops, beauty?

Do you know those empty spaces that appear down there at Debug? They serve for you to put variables and see their content, but you have to put the full path, for example VOLD.Nome

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