Transform multiple records into a single line

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Eduardo Gomes

Good morning,

I would like to know if it is possible to transform multiple records into a single line.

Explaining, I have the following Select:

Select all

pedido - etiqueta - campo - valor 
1 - 1           - A        - 99 
1 - 1           - B        - 88 
1 - 1           - C        - 77 
1 - 2           - A        - 12 
1 - 2           - B        - 23 
1 - 2           - C        - 34 
I would like grouping by labels, the "field" information, transform into several columns, so [

Detail: In some cases (depending on the label), the number of information (A, B, C) may vary, not in the same request (in the same request the structure will be The same), but so the solution would have to be generic to meet all situations.

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Take a look at this link:

Diego Monteiro
Rank: Analista Júnior
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Eduardo Gomes

Thanks diego ...
It's not exactly what I want, but it already helped ......

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