Doubt - Standard size varchar2 in the parameter of a proc

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I have the following problem.

I have a proc that receives as parameter a varchar2 type.

Currently when complying for PROC, the standard size of this varchar2 is 200.
I need to pass a string with a size than 1000

If there is any variable of Oracle environment, or any suggestion of how to increase this standard size at the time of compilation?

Select all

create or replace 
    variavel VARCHAR2 --> não consigo passar tam > 200 
vQtdeStop NUMBER; 
vQtdeStop :=1; 
END proc;
Error in the execution:

Select all

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: erro: character string buffer too small numérico ou de valor 
ORA-06512: em line 8
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Rafael O. Genaro

What version of the bank?
at 10g at least I know the maximum size for a varchar2 last for a procedure is 32K. The problem would not be in another stretch of your logic, inside the procedure? In version 8 the limit is 4000.

What does this test return to you?

Select all

  i number; 
  procedure p1 ( v varchar2 ) 
    dbms_output.put_line('OK: '||length(v)); 
  end p1; 
  i := 100; 
  p1( lpad('.', i  , '.') );  
  i := 1000; 
  p1( lpad('.', 1000 , '.') ); 
  i := 32000; 
  p1( lpad('.', 32000, '.') ); 
  i := 32767; 
  p1( lpad('.', 32767, '.') ); 
  i := 32768; 
  p1( lpad('.', 32768, '.') ); 
  when others then 
    dbms_output.put_line('Tamanho: '||i||' '||sqlerrm); 

Select all

OK: 100 
OK: 1000 
OK: 32000 
OK: 32767 
Tamanho: 32768 ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small 
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I discovered that the problem occurs when I pass the parameters by "running" from SQLDeveloper. When I called the proc inside a block, it worked! Thank you for the help!
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