Dynamic cursor

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I have the following doubt / problem: I have two declared cursors C_SALDO1 and C_SALDO_2, but I will only use 1, depending on a particular parameter that my procedure will receive. I want to work with the cursor to be used implicitly, using for loop.
I tried to create a cursor stating as follows:

Select all

then assign to this cursorloop the C_SALDO1 or C_SALDO2 cursor, but it is not working.
Someone can give me a tip of how I can be doing this.
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If the two cursors bring the same columns, to make a cursor just and join the two queys with a Union.
and restrict the querys to run depending on what returns to your procedure.
Depending on the value, you only perform the query from UNION, or just the query below Union.
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No source code to analyze, and the complete error message, there is no way to help ... It's like the famous question: "My car does not start, as a repair?" : D
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Thiago Façanha

You can try something like to declare a variable varchar2 for example acao_sql the name.

Select all

   TYPE r_cursor IS REF CURSOR; 
    c_cursor          r_cursor; 
   sql_string               VARCHAR2 (10000);
Ai According to what you need you pass a string with the query for this variable

Select all

acao_sql := "select 1 from dual"; 
acao_sql := "select 2 from dual";
and then
opens the cursor you created.

Select all

 OPEN c_cursor_acao FOR acao_sql;
Does that help you?

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Thiago Façanha

Correction ..
where it has acao_sql exchange by sql_string . It was to be the same variable.
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