Will the billing run?

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Thomas F. G

Você já respondeu a dúvida de alguém hoje?

Observe the code below in a billing routine, and see if the 3 errors are discovered in this small IF:

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-- Se Empresa Matriz e Forma de Cobrança Filial 
if (nvl(ln_cd_proposta_matriz, null) is null)        and (lv_forma_cobranca = 'F') then 
   lb_existe_fatura_filial := true; 
   ln_nu_faturados := ln_nu_faturados + 1; 
-- Se Empresa Filial e Forma de Cobrança Filial 
elsif (nvl(ln_cd_proposta_matriz, null) is not null) and (lv_forma_cobranca = 'F') then 
   lb_existe_fatura_filial := true; 
   ln_nu_faturados := ln_nu_faturados + 1; 
end if;
1. NVL (Field, NULL) - Total absurd! (2 times!)
2. Both the IF and Elsif do the same thing! (Why have Elsif?)

Now tell me if with code of this level the billing will go out at the end of the right ... :-d
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Claiton de Oliveira
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Two points can be highlighted:
- The lack of knowledge of language;
- Total lack of attention and without "programming logic".
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These NVLs killed the dick

and how much the content of the IF and the ELSE are equal, has no less logical explanation. It must be a trainee thing
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Thomas F. G

Você já respondeu a dúvida de alguém hoje?

Worse is not !!! hehehe

Fortunately, it is not allowed to quote names in this forum of "Doubtful Codes", heheheh
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NVL Returning NULL

If it were in a DML Pro Bank ... Baro would return something like

ORA-00666-User, this slutty with my face, the Lord is a buck ...


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