Cai on Exception?

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Lucas de Souza

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Good .... I was giving maintenance in a program here and found this:

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      vn_flag := 17; 
      :bl_empr_usu.v_perm_fat_nf_venc  := fg_param_adm( 'PERM_NF_TIT_VENC_MEN' 
                                                      , 'FAT' 
                                                      , :global.emprusu 
                                                      , 0  -- deve obrigatóriamente existir na cg_ref_code 
   when vê_insere_r then 
      pl_variaveis.vv_insere_r := 'S'; 
      if vn_flag = 17 then 
         pl_variaveis.vv_nome := 'PERM_NF_TIT_VENC_MEN'; 
      end if; 
AI has several begins similar to this most changes the Function parameters and the name of the item. .... and changes the VN_FLAG in number sequences until 22.
and all these begins are inside a bigger begin.
And in this bigger begin has another exception:

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   when vê_insere_r then 
      pl_variaveis.vv_insere_r := 'S'; 
      if vn_flag = 1 then 
         pl_variaveis.vv_nome := 'PED_VENDA_LIB_REP'; 
      elsif vn_flag = 2 then 
         pl_variaveis.vv_nome := 'PED_REMESS_LIB_REP'; 
      elsif vn_flag = 3 then 
         pl_variaveis.vv_nome := 'CTR_VENCTO_PEDIDO'; 
      elsif vn_flag = 4 then 
      	 pl_variaveis.vv_nome := 'VER_VALID_CNPJ_CLI'; 
      elsif vn_flag = 5 then 
      	 pl_variaveis.vv_nome := 'PERM_DT_RETROAT_NF'; 
This procedure is done only anyway, there is nothing different from the other Begins ... .

Here comes the question ...
How can he fall on the exception vê_insere_r if he does not have raise anywhere ??
and of course chi case fall in the last exception the VN_FLAG will be equal to 22!
and do not have the when others também .... = D
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Thiago Vetis
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Very crazy!

: -O
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Thomas F. G

Você já respondeu a dúvida de alguém hoje?

It seems that they used the method "copy-paste" from some other procedure, hehehhe
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