Testimonials - Tell a Technological Bull

Este forum é dedicado a códigos errados que se encontram por aí, ou seja, coisas que não se deve fazer de jeito nenhum! Não coloque neste forum dúvidas! (apenas situações bizarras do nosso dia a dia :-)
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Thomas F. G

Você já respondeu a dúvida de alguém hoje?


As we are in the forum of "Doubtful Codes", I decided to open this topic to share things that should not be done, but unfortunately they were made.
* Tip Services
* Delete information
* lose programs
* Anyway, anything that has given injury to some way.

The purpose of this is:
* learn from the error of others
* and especially, give a laugh :-)

] The [url=http://en.glufke.net/oracle/viewtopic.php?t=1104]regras desse forum should be observed.
Last edited by dr_gori on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 9:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Thomas F. G

Você já respondeu a dúvida de alguém hoje?

When I was a trainee, I had to make a script that updated some information in production. After doing it at the test base, I copied a script file and sent along with several others to be applied in production.

The problem is that I did not put the correct WHER clause and the program did the update in every table and then bound! :-)

later, I took a piss for having done it! I was told that it was necessary to download the backups to retrieve the information.

But to this day I do not know if this happened: I think the script gave some mistake (of constraint) and they solved with a rollback only, but he took advantage of the "moment" to me Pass a bag! :-)

assumed by dr_gori :-) heheheh As soon as I remember other worst, I share with you
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Thomas F. G

Você já respondeu a dúvida de alguém hoje?

Another stupid: this until today no one has discovered who it was.

* Someone inadvertently changed the server time. Passed to something like this: 10 / May / 2050 (on the production server)

After a few minutes, some users started to open so-called illumed, as the information disappeared from their screen, and another problems.
(we know that Oracle seeks the server time sysdate).
spent a few minutes and that absurd date spread on countless bank tables!

Solution: We had to do a script that searched for all tables and in all fields of date the lines that had the date greater than 2050 to go back and arrange: - /

There was a few hours to fix ...
Last edited by dr_gori on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Without quoting names, but, a character once added a dual line line.

The evil is such tb né brother ... rs ...
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Thomas F. G

Você já respondeu a dúvida de alguém hoje?

Another thing that happened. (But it was not the fault of the guy, for he would never know that a base was different).

A friend was running a procedure that made Drop User from some very old users. If the user had any object, this command gave error and was ignored.
This was being shot in several instances of the bank. (I think about 40 or 50 instances).

The problem is that in one of them, instead of Drop User, the program was not updated and was doing Drop User Cascade.
Then the Drop User command did not give a mistake, he deleted the user along with his objects! He disappeared half of the bench objects, because real things entered the list and did not cause the error.

Ready: A full day that branch was off ...
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Once creating a procedure for Nossonumero calculation: Update without WHERE ...
Shit of the Great!
Solution: Create procedure to calculate our number of all accounts and apply to BD.
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Diego Mello
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When I was still a trainee, I opened several modules in the same forms.
After completing, I selected all modules and compiled, saved, and clicked to close Forms.
asked to save Object Library. I said yes'!

I do not know what happened, but it corrupted the Library.

Result: The DBA had to return a very old backup of it. :P
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Update in a table without WHERE
lack of attention and concentration
Caracas still well q had backup the anterior day of the Owner ...: Roll :: Roll:
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