Perfect Mathematics

Este forum é dedicado a códigos errados que se encontram por aí, ou seja, coisas que não se deve fazer de jeito nenhum! Não coloque neste forum dúvidas! (apenas situações bizarras do nosso dia a dia :-)
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Posts: 367
Joined: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 3:41 pm
Location: Salvador - BA
Rodrigo Valentim
Analista de Sistemas
Oracle Developer

Campanha: Faça uma pesquisa antes de perguntar!!!

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nvl(grupo.vl_saldo_dev,0) - nvl(grupo.vl_recebido,0) - 0;
Until today I wonder what the -0 serves :)
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Location: Portland, OR USA
Thomas F. G

Você já respondeu a dúvida de alguém hoje?

Cultural moment :-D

In mathematics (algebra), there is the theory of the "neutral element" of operations. (

In addition, the neutral element is 0 (can add 0 that remains equal)
in multiplication, is 1 ( If multiplied by 1, remains equal)
and thus all operations have a neutral element.

In the arrays, we have the identity matrix (as below) which is the neutral element of multiplication of matrices. (One can multiply this matrix below by another 2x2 which remains equal)

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| 1   0 | 
| 0   1 |

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| 1   0 |   x  |  5   3 |   =  |  5   3 | 
| 0   1 |      |  2   9 |      |  2   9 | 
and so on! [ 99]
(now ask me to know that? I'm trying to figure out :-))
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