OCP - Is it worth it?

Informações sobre as certificações oracle, dúvidas, exemplos, OCP, OCA, OCM, etc.
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Well, my question is that same, will it still be worth an OCP certification? The corporate world is walking to two platforms, Java and .NET. Oracle himself invests heavy in the JDeveloper.
There are still many systems developed in Forms and Reports but most are or will be migrated to one of the platforms I quoted above.

In my opinion it is worth investing in Java, .NET, Ruby (including rails than in Forms / Reports ....
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OCA Oracle PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate
OCP Oracle Forms Developer Certified Professional

Then Brother,

I am currently investing in Oracle certification.

I was carrying out some searches on the net and, I checked that companies from abroad and, most researched sees certification as a differential.

But also, as you informed, we have seen that Oracle itself also invests strong in new technologies (such as Java).

However, there is a strong question yet on Forms & Reports:

Since when they say that they will be migrated?
For example, mills here in the region (large) are still working with Forms & Reports.

I, in particular, I believe that there is still a good time for this to occur.

But, there is the topic for new ideas / visions.
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Thomas F. G

Você já respondeu a dúvida de alguém hoje?

RafaSch wrote: The corporate world is walking to two platforms, Java and .NET.
I fully agree. But which database is used in these projects in Java and .NET? Oracle :-D

Then you have to decide if you want to continue working with database or if you want to work with Java and .NET, which are very different things. I agree that the forms does not go too far, but Oracle goes.

Think like this: All critical application will still continue running within the database, by a series of reasons ...
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I was talking about Forms and Reports and not from the database itself.

I believe no one here will close the eyes for what happens outside the domains of Oracle ...
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Goodnight. I'm also going back now for this Oracle market. This because I talked to people who have Oracle certifications, and they told me that here in Brazil, especially where I live, there is not much market, those who have in order to try something abroad will not regret ...
good, I'll bet on it. If I even get OCP certification I can not see this, I'll be back to Java developer certifications.

[] 's.
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OCA Oracle PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate
OCP Oracle Forms Developer Certified Professional

Personal, Good morning.

I found here on my machine, a material talking about the certification pros and, I found it interesting to post here in the forum.

It is worth giving a read, whoever intends to provide.

[url=http://en.glufke.net/oracle/download/oracleocp.zip]Baixe aqui o pdf

Whatever doubt, send there.
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Rafael S. Nunes
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Guys, I found this article, it's kind of old (2004), but for those who want to take a look, I hope what the guy said there still valid, about recognition, etc.
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“Só sei que nada sei, e o fato de saber isso, me coloca em vantagem sobre aqueles que acham que sabem alguma coisa.”
(Sócrates 470 a.C – 399 a.C)

Great material ...

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