Examination - 1Z0-051

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"Nunca diga às pessoas como fazer as coisas. Diga-lhes o que deve ser feito e elas surpreenderão você com sua engenhosidade." George Patton

Good afternoon,

I'm preparing for proof 1Z0-051, fundamental 1, and I only have based my studies by the book, but I would like to know if anyone has a simulated this proof.
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It would be interesting for you to acquire a simulator of the 1Z0-051 exam to assess your level of knowledge for the various areas of knowledge that make up your exam.

There are companies such as Selftest and Test King selling these simulators. Here are some links:
[[0] http://selftestsoftware.com
In the case of Selftest, you can "rent" the exam for 30 days, or opt for the definitive purchase of the product. Just think about "renting" if you have availability to study every day, no interruptions.

Maybe you can find these exams there by the "Torrents of Life", but it may be better to acquire the same on the official website.


Sergio Coutinho
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"Nunca diga às pessoas como fazer as coisas. Diga-lhes o que deve ser feito e elas surpreenderão você com sua engenhosidade." George Patton

Thanks for the answer.
I saw here quickly the values ??of the test, and I found a little expensive, but if I do not find anything via torrent, because I do not deny that I have already started to look for but I still do not find anything, it will not have another alternative, because I need to Based on something to know if I am or not prepared for the exam.
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Hi Gustavo,

Try these links below:
[[0] http://www.examcollection.com/oracle/Or ... .file.html
a colleague of mine said that the price of this simulator was cheap, if Compared to other companies.


Sergio Coutinho
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"Nunca diga às pessoas como fazer as coisas. Diga-lhes o que deve ser feito e elas surpreenderão você com sua engenhosidade." George Patton

Thank you once again.
In fact the simulator until I have, but in the exam has only 5 questions, but even VLW.
I will continue to study for this test, based on the book, and I hope it is enough for me to pass on the test, but true that I am getting undecided about doing this or other proof,
1Z0 -047 Oracle Database SQL Expert.
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I suspect that 1Z0-051 you can do from home, without having to address a Vue center.

about doing this or 1Z0-047, it will depend on what you want. If for you it is more important to get the hollow, I would say to take the exam 1Z0-007 (SQL Oracle 9i), which is worth as a requirement for 10g and 11g hollows.

This is the easiest test between SQL, as SQL improvements from 10G and 11G.

You will need to dedicate a lot of time to study the OCA administration I examination. So you could focus on 1Z0-007 (easier) and then crack from studying for ADM I.

About the simulator vocês, you need to buy the product (not Trial) and then Search on google exam files that work with you.

My colleague mentioned this link to lower exams:

And you download the emulator (can not be trial ) This link:
http://www.avanset.com/products/visual- ... suite.html

Sergio Coutinho
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"Nunca diga às pessoas como fazer as coisas. Diga-lhes o que deve ser feito e elas surpreenderão você com sua engenhosidade." George Patton

Um ... I understand, I'll look right then that.
Good, in fact my focus is to take the certification to 0Racle Forms, below follows the tests: http://education.oracle.com/pls/web_pro ... k_id:PLSQL
I'll think right about what to do, not to waste time or bullshit.

vlw one more time.
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Hi Gustavo,

As the link passed, you can do 1Z0-007 to get your forms certification program.

I would say that it would be the proof that would less require you in SQL.


Sergio Coutinho
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"Nunca diga às pessoas como fazer as coisas. Diga-lhes o que deve ser feito e elas surpreenderão você com sua engenhosidade." George Patton

Good morning, continuing ..

I decided to do a 1Z0-051, I have studied a lot and I believe that I will be able to pass well in this test, but I do not know when I will still.
But thanks for the help, and so soon has the result of the exam, I post here.

a strong hug.

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