Passing parametro for Shell via Applications Concrent

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Braulio Moizes

I have a shell script on UNIX and there is a concurrent in the Application that runs that shell.

Now I need to pass a parameter to this shell by concurrent

Example of parameter inside the shell

v_dir_name = $ {5}

How do I register the parameter in concurrent so that it sends to this variable {5} the value typed by the user?

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Speak Braulio beleza.

face a concurrent calling a shell scrip numca I have even curiosity, but I think the procedure and the same for procedures, packages, etc ...

In Concurrent on the Parameters button will open a screen to register your parameters Use a sequence of 10 in 10 so there is no comflights The name of the parameter use your variable and you can put as defult the value 5 or put As a view to the user type the value before running Concurrent.

I hope I have helped.

Douglas - Madmax [/ img]
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Braulio Moizes

Madmax, thanks for the tip .. but in fact my problem is not like registration the concurrent parameter.

My problem is how shell gets this parametro typed by the user and interprets correctly.

with procedure, pkg, go beleza .. The shell for some reason does not understand what I type in the parameter.
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