Error creating order in OM

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Good afternoon, after breaking a lot, resolve to post this problem here in the forum, I am taking an error when trying to create an order in OM (R11), we used a custom API that calls Oracle Core APIs, below the error.

Unable to find a calendar / linetype date = 1261 / NF-SALE Normal-L / one of the group attributes failed your scheduling attempt.

You have attempted to run a programming action in a programming group (Act configuration, completed delivery configuration, delivery set or arrival set) and considering that one of the group members failed, this It made the whole group failed.

Select all

 / LineType = 1261 / Name NF-Venda Normal-L / Não inseriu a linha no conjunto. A linha não pode ser programada nos atributos do conjunto e não pode programar o conjunto completo na mesma data alternativa. 
 / LineType = 1261 / Name NF-Venda Normal-L /  - ORA-06512: at "APPS.B2W_OM_PEDIDO_VENDA_PKG", line 1430 
ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception
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Just to understand better you are using which API to create a sell order in OM?

Would it be the OE_ORDER_PUB API?

Are you inserting in the OM interface tables?

Post the code a and the error is likely to be in line 1430.

ABS ..
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correct, in the custom API, I call

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Select all

, and finally

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Select all

Oe_Order_Pub.Process_Header(p_Header_Rec     => l_Header_Rec, 
                                      x_Header_Out_Rec => l_Out_Header_Rec, 
                                      x_Return_Status  => l_Return_Status, 
                                      x_Msg_Count      => l_Msg_Count, 
                                      x_Msg_Data       => l_Msg_Data); 
          Oe_Order_Pub.Process_Order(p_Api_Version_Number => l_Api_Version_Number, 
                                     p_Init_Msg_List      => Fnd_Api.g_True, 
                                     x_Return_Status      => l_Return_Status, 
                                     x_Msg_Count          => l_Msg_Count, 
                                     x_Msg_Data           => l_Msg_Data, 
                                     -- In PARAM 
                                     p_Header_Rec         => l_Header_Rec, 
                                     p_Line_Tbl           => l_Line_Tbl, 
                                     p_Action_Request_Tbl => l_Action_Request_Tbl, 
                                     --  p_line_adj_tbl                => l_line_frete_adj_tbl, 
                                     -- p_x_Line_Payment_tbl          => l_line_frete_adj_tbl, 
                                     --OUT PARAM 
                                     x_Header_Rec             => l_Out_Header_Rec, 
                                     x_Header_Val_Rec         => l_Out_Header_Val_Rec, 
                                     x_Header_Adj_Tbl         => l_Out_Header_Adj_Tbl, 
                                     x_Header_Adj_Val_Tbl     => l_Out_Header_Adj_Val_Tbl, 
                                     x_Header_Price_Att_Tbl   => l_Out_Header_Price_Att_Tbl, 
                                     x_Header_Adj_Att_Tbl     => l_Out_Header_Adj_Att_Tbl, 
                                     x_Header_Adj_Assoc_Tbl   => l_Out_Header_Adj_Assoc_Tbl, 
                                     x_Header_Scredit_Tbl     => l_Out_Header_Scredit_Tbl, 
                                     x_Header_Scredit_Val_Tbl => l_Out_Header_Scredit_Val_Tbl, 
                                     x_Line_Tbl               => l_Out_Line_Tbl, 
                                     x_Line_Val_Tbl           => l_Out_Line_Val_Tbl, 
                                     x_Line_Adj_Tbl           => l_Out_Line_Adj_Tbl, 
                                     x_Line_Adj_Val_Tbl       => l_Out_Line_Adj_Val_Tbl, 
                                     x_Line_Price_Att_Tbl     => l_Out_Line_Price_Att_Tbl, 
                                     x_Line_Adj_Att_Tbl       => l_Out_Line_Adj_Att_Tbl, 
                                     x_Line_Adj_Assoc_Tbl     => l_Out_Line_Adj_Assoc_Tbl, 
                                     x_Line_Scredit_Tbl       => l_Out_Line_Scredit_Tbl, 
                                     x_Line_Scredit_Val_Tbl   => l_Out_Line_Scredit_Val_Tbl, 
                                     --   p_header_payment_tbl          => l_header_payment_tbl, 
                                     x_Header_Payment_Tbl     => x_Header_Payment_Tbl_Type, 
                                     x_Header_Payment_Val_Tbl => x_Header_Payment_Val_Tbl_Type, 
                                     x_Line_Payment_Tbl       => x_Line_Payment_Tbl_Type, 
                                     x_Line_Payment_Val_Tbl   => x_Line_Payment_Val_Tbl_Type, 
                                     x_Lot_Serial_Tbl         => l_Out_Lot_Serial_Tbl, 
                                     x_Lot_Serial_Val_Tbl     => l_Out_Lot_Serial_Val_Tbl, 
                                     x_Action_Request_Tbl     => l_Out_Action_Request_Tbl 
                                     --  p_rtrim_data                  => l_rtrim_data, 
                                     -- p_validate_desc_flex          => l_validate_desc_flex 
            Oe_Order_Pub.Process_Line(p_Line_Tbl      => l_Line_Tbl, 
                                      x_Line_Out_Tbl  => l_Out_Line_Tbl, 
                                      x_Return_Status => l_Return_Status, 
                                      x_Msg_Count     => l_Msg_Count, 
                                      x_Msg_Data      => l_Msg_Data);
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You're doing it right, looking at the mistake you informed the problem should be in this package

Select all

Because the error ORA-06512 And that you are passing a very large value for the field you are receiving.

Check the size of the variables and try to debug in the PL / SQL at this point.

I hope I have helped.

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Another thing:

The error ORA-06510: PL / SQL: Unhandled user-defined exception that you are receiving and because it is missing an exception or a treatment for this package.

Check appropriate treatment to handle this error so you will no longer receive this error.

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Yeah, the stranger that PKG is the same as it is in PROD, and there works.

I will try to get the instance of the BPEL service here, which is calling the order creation procedure in OM.
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The error line is in a raise of the code, after calling the process_line ...

Select all

            Oe_Order_Pub.Process_Line(p_Line_Tbl      => l_Line_Tbl, 
                                      x_Line_Out_Tbl  => l_Out_Line_Tbl, 
                                      x_Return_Status => l_Return_Status, 
                                      x_Msg_Count     => l_Msg_Count, 
                                      x_Msg_Data      => l_Msg_Data); 
            If (l_Return_Status != Fnd_Api.g_Ret_Sts_Success) Then 
              If (l_Msg_Count > 0) Then 
                For l_Index In 1 .. l_Msg_Count Loop 
                  l_Msg_Data := Oe_Msg_Pub.Get(p_Msg_Index => l_Index, 
                                               p_Encoded   => 'F'); 
                  l_Msg_Data_Out := l_Msg_Data_Out || l_Msg_Data || ' / ' || 
                                    'LineType = ' || l_Line_Tbl(Linhas) 
                                   .Line_Type_Id || ' / Name ' || 
                                    l_Lines_Rec.Linetype || ' / '; 
                End Loop; 
                l_Msg_Erro := l_Msg_Data_Out; 
                Raise Erro; --Linha do erro 1355 
              End If; 
            End If;
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I thought the error or-06512 indicated the number of the line of the code that the program left, anyway, I looked here and nothing is bursting in size.

Do you have any more tips?
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I think it can be a functional error. But I'vê already looked at all OM setups, comparing with PROD, and everything is ok.
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I discovered the problem, the staff changed the inverted calendar, but did not recreate the same.

I did the rebuild, and stopped the error.
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