View Java Update in Apex Application

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Hello, good morning ... I came across a problem, I would like to know if there is any chance to verify and alert the user of the problem, it is as follows:

A user has been accessing my Apex Oracle application , in a given machine, in several attempts did not succeed, but we discovered that the Java of his machine was outdated, we did the update and the problem was solved, access to the application without problems ...

So, there is some code that we could insert into an application developed in Apex, which made this check and a message appeared to the user, stating that you need to install or update the Java of your machine? I thank
Rank: Analista Sênior
Rank: Analista Sênior
Posts: 172
Joined: Mon, 24 Oct 2016 7:20 pm

Carlynhost77 wrote: Hello, good morning ... I came across a problem, I would like to know if there is any chance to verify and alert the user of the problem, it is as follows:
User went to access my Apex Oracle application, in a given machine, in several attempts did not succeed, but we discovered that the Java of his machine was outdated, we did the update and the problem was solved, access to the application without problems ...

So, there is any code that we could enter into an application developed in Apex, which would check and be displayed any message to the user, stating that you need to install or update the Java of your machine? Thank you

Add-up to what I need:
When I try to access an application, on a computer that the Java is not installed or updated, the cursor turns and the page is not loaded, that is, by the lack of java the application is not executed, but it does not appear any message to me talking about this lack ... What I need is that if you have a form, when you are seen that there is a problem with Java a message of the problem ...

Someone must have seen that on the banks' website, specifically from BB, there is this Java verification, so I believe that someone should have done this in the Apex Oracle ... Thank you
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